DoB | 2003-02-22 | |
Dead | 2014-08-16 | |
Weight | 5,0 kilos | |
Spayed July 2005 | ||
Health | Kidneys | OK
2004-03-03 |
Heart | OK 2004-08-25 | |
Champion June 2005
1 x CAGCIB Premier Oct 2005 Int Premier Nov 2005 Grand
Int Premier June 2006
European Premier May 6 2007 |
x BIV (BOV) |
x NOM |
x BIS |
Neuter 2006 Scandinavian Ragdoll Club |
Female Neuter 2006 Swedish Ragdoll Club |
Neuter 2006 Östkatten (SVERAK) |
In Show Neuter at SRC Club Championship 2005 & 2007 |
Best Female Neuter in Ragdollklubben (the swedish Ragdoll Club) 2005 |
Neuter 2007 Scandinavian Ragdoll Club |
Best Neuter 2007 Östkatten (SVERAK) and Best Ragdoll Neuter 2007 in SVERAK (10th place TOTAL Cat II) |
Female Neuter 2007 Swedish Ragdoll Club |
Jindra - vår
prinsessa! Vad mer kan man säga.......................?
Hennes föräldrar är EC S*Leo Minor Dina och EC S*Dagper's Arvid
och hon är född hos Yvonne Andersson på S*Leo
Jindra hann bli mamma till en kull, S*Ruffle's
Bruce Springsteen kullen,
innan hon sommaren 2005 fick livmoderinflammation och tyvärr blev kastrerad.
Jindra hann bli Internationell Champion som fertil.
Som kastrat har hon hittills haft en otrolig utställningskarriär.
Jindra somnade in hos oss den 16 augusti 2014.
comes from S*Leo
Minor in Vänersborg, Sweden. She is a seal true bi-colour RAG n03.
Her mother is EC S*Leo Minor Dina and her father is EC S* Dagpers Arvid.
is a typical Ragdoll
- cool, patient, curious, cozy, relaxed and beautiful!
She is the queen of the household and makes sure everyone is happy.
Her favourite spot is in the center of course or in my lap when I sit in front
of the computer.
Jindra is a real lady and very feminin in her ways and expression.
She has a wonderful coat quality, beautiful dark blue eyes and a lovely bi-colour
Jindra is the mother of the Springsteen litter.
Unfortunately Jindra got pyometra (livmoderinflammation) in July 2005 and
was spayed because of this.
Jindra died gently in our home on August 16th 2014.
Jindra Aug 2007
Jindra Jul 2007
August 2006
July 2006
Jindra's 3rd birthday
February 2006
Jindra, March 2004