Födda 13 Januari 2008 / DoB January 13th 2008
2008-03-09 Alla
utom en ville vara med... All but one...... |
2008-02-01! Hanja
hjälper till med bebisarna!
Hanja is helping out with the babies! |
2008-01-27 Stretching! |
2008-01-19 Mamma Selma tar väl hand om sina små! Selma is a good mother for her babies! |
2008-01-13 Selma med sina nyfödda! Selma with her newborns! |
2008-01-13 Inte ens torra ännu :-) Not even dry yet :-) |
2008-01-13 Stolt mamma! Proud mum! |